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The Tong Contradiction: AG Opposes Services for State Special Ed Students While Championing College Students From Abroad.

Attorney General William Tong will appeal a federal court ruling requiring the state to provide services to special education students until they are 22.

“In June, U.S. District Court Judge Charles Haight Jr. ruled that the Connecticut State Board of Education’s decision to limit services to special education students after their 21st birthdays violates the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act,” CTNewsJunkie reports. The decision was not accompanied by the lust for attention that has marked the Tahoe-driving environmentalist’s 18 months in office. No press conference on the courthouse steps for Tong to ballyhoo his assault on special education.

The Stamford Democrat announced earlier this month that he would challenge the Trump administration’s misbegotten decision to cancel visas of students attending colleges and universities that offer only online courses in the upcoming academic year. That decision was abandoned shortly after it was announced. Older special education students in Connecticut, however, are still without minimal services they sued to obtain.