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They Couldn’t Just Send a Card? Lobbyists Slobber over Lamont from Eight Houses Away.

It won’t work on him. Ned Lamont is not Dannel P. Malloy or M. Jodi Rell. That has not stopped veteran lobbyists Patrick Sullivan and Paddi LeShane from creating and displaying a cloying “Love the Gov” bag-turned-sign in front of their Prospect Avenue home, eight houses from the Governor’s Residence.

Slobbering is not thought by observers to be a strategy that works on Lamont.

Sullivan and LeShane lobbied for Stamford when Malloy was mayor and preparing to run for governor. He remained close to the surly, unpopular governor, who Sullivan referred to as “Danny,” during his eight calamitous years in office. Sullivan, a Republican most of the time, was a longtime, ardent supporter of Joseph Lieberman, who Lamont engaged in an epic contest in 2006.

Lamont has restored public confidence in state government with his steady leadership during the global public health crisis. A note, email or text would suffice. Crikey, find a way that doesn’t make denizens of the Capitol village retch.