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Tong Stops Exploring. Running for AG.

William Tong is a candidate for attorney general. Three days after a poor showing in the AFL-CIO poll of Democratic contenders, Tong announced in an email message that he is in the race. Tong had made some noises about exploring a race for governor before incumbent Democratic Attorney General George Jepsen announced he would not seek a third term.

Here’s the Phillips’ Academy graduate’s announcement:

Today, I am excited to announce that I will be seeking the Democratic nomination for Attorney General of the State of Connecticut.

This is a deeply personal fight for me. My parents came here as immigrants with almost nothing. They worked seven days a week. 15 hours a day. We’ve had to fight for every inch.

If you are like us. If you come from working people.  Or if you are a person of color. A woman. Or if you just want decent health insurance. The President of the United States has declared war on you and your family.  And, that’s why I am running for Attorney General. The Attorney General is the first and last line of defense against the powerful forces bearing down on us in Connecticut.

As Chair of the Judiciary Committee and a state lawmaker, I’ve taken on forces much more powerful than Donald Trump, and I’ve beaten them.  I stood up to the NRA, I stood up to the big banks, I stood up to far right-wing forces opposed to marriage equality and a woman’s right to choose. I’m battle-tested, and I’m ready to take on the unprecedented risks we face.

As Attorney General, I will take the fight to Donald Trump and his hateful policies that are targeting Connecticut.  And together, we’ll beat him, too.

Join me in this campaign to fight for Connecticut and our families.

William Tong, Candidate for Attorney General