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Trials in CT Federal Courts Postponed Until Further Order.

A glimpse of the future. The logistical demands of justice continue to be thwarted by COVID-19. Civil and criminal trials have been suspended in the District of Connecticut until further order:



WHEREAS, the President of the United States has declared a national emergency, and the Governor of the State of Connecticut has declared a public health emergency throughout the State; 
WHEREAS, the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has advised people to take precautions in light of the COVID-19 virus (coronavirus) outbreak, and has noted that the best way to prevent illness is to avoid being exposed to the virus, through, among other means, social distancing; 
WHEREAS, the District Court continues to review its operations to identify measures that will help slow the spread of the virus by minimizing contact between persons, while at the same time preserving its core mission of serving the public through the fair and impartial administration of justice; 

IT IS HEREBY ORDERED, effective immediately, that:

(1)All civil and criminal jury trials (and re lated jury selections) scheduled to commence on or before September 1, 2020, before any district or magistrate judge in any courthouse in the District of Connecticut shall be continued pending further order of the Court; and

(2)With regard to criminal trials, due to: the public health risks associated with summoning groups of prospective jurors who would be required to sit in close proximity to each other during jury selection and, if selected, during trial and deliberations; the Court’s reduced ability to obtain an adequate spectrum of prospective jurors due to the publics perceptions of the risks associated with jury service; and the effect of the above public health recommendations on the availability of counsel and Court staff to be present in the courtroom; the time period of the continuances implemented by paragraph 1 of this General Order will be excluded under the Speedy Trial Act. The Court specifically finds that the ends of justice served by ordering the continuances outweigh the best interests of the public and each defendant in a speedy trial, pursuant to 18 U.S.C. Section 3161(h)(7)(A).


Dated: May 19, 2020
Bridgeport, CT

Stefan R. Underhill
Chief United States District Judge