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Trump Aide to Raise Money for West Hartford Republicans.

Trumpian Justin Clark will return to West Hartford on April 4th to raise money for local Republicans. Clark worked on the loathsome demagogue’s 2016 campaign, did a stint in the chaotic White House, and now is an official on the 2020 campaign.

Clark will be the guest of honor at a private reception. This may be an opportunity to have someone who was at the White House in 2017 explain just who those “very fine people” were marching under Nazi flags in Charlottesville. You may recall them chanting, “Jews will not replace us.”

Clark, who managed Republican Tom Foleys 2010 and 2014 losing bids for governor, will be the opener for an address by 2018 gubernatorial hopeful Tim Herbst on state of the Connecticut GOP.

The evening begins at 6 p.m. at the Rockledge Grille.