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UConn Law School Falls to 64th in Critical US News Rankings.

Blimey, this is becoming a bad habit. The University of Connecticut School of Law fell from 58th to 64th in the 2023 US News rankings of law schools. The annual release of the rankings causes much anxiety among law school administrators.

Another plummet in the influential rankings will likely elicit a carefully written explanation of where US News went wrong again this year. After the college basketball playoff season concludes in a few days, UConn trustees may want to spare a few thoughts to the trouble at the state’s public law school. Asking administrators to consider their positions seems like a logical first step.

A 64th place finish this year. tied with Penn State and the University of San Diego, will not yield the sort of job interviews many law students seek.

Published March 31, 2022 (the 54th anniversary of Lyndon Baines Johnson’s announcement that he would not seek re-election).