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UConn Law School withdraws from US News surveys. Controversy provides escape hatch after rating collapse.

The University of Connecticut School of Law has found a safe harbor from the annual ordeal of the US News ratings. It will follow the example of several top-rated schools and not participate in providing information. The school fell from 50th place to 64th in the last two years.

The announcement came Tuesday afternoon from Dean and Professor of Law Eboni S. Nelson. The message included everything but an audible sigh of relief that UConn Law administrators will be permitted a shrug if the bad news continues. “The decision not to participate derives from our long-held belief that the U.S. News rankings do not appropriately measure or adequately capture UConn Law’s strengths and values or the life-transformative education experience we offer our students.” Nelson complained in her message that “U.S. News’ overreliance on quantitative measures such as admissions test scores, GPAs, and faculty and staff expenditures, neglects qualitative attributes that create a truly rewarding law school experience and prepare students for successful and meaningful careers.”

Nelson’s long explanation repudiates common measures of a law school standards and argues instead that UConn is not like the rest and should not be measured by them.

US News has announced it will continue to publish rankings. Brace yourselves.

Published February 1, 2023.