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Upended: Donald Trump Endorses Leora Levy in a Call to the Montville RTC.

In a surprise call to the Montville Republican Town Committee Thursday night, Donald Trump endorsed Leora Levy in the August 9th Senate primary.

Levy has been in vigorous pursuit of the loathsome demagogue. The Greenwich Republican was Trump’s choice to serve as ambassador to Chile. The Senate declined to confirm her.

Levy faces party-endorsed candidate Themis Klarides on Tuesday. Fairfield Republican Peter Lumaj is also running.

On the Trump scale of slights, Klarides not voting for the chancellor of Trump University weighed more heavily as a grievance than Levy deeming him ”vulgar” and ”ill-mannered.”

For the next several days Levy will promote as a tribute what most Connecticut voters will deem an embarrassment.

Published August 4, 2022.