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US News: Republican hopes of defeating Lamont “have deflated over time.”

Louis Jacobson, longtime student of Connecticut politics, analyzes the nation’s gubernatorial campaigns in US News. Jacobson concludes Democrat Ned Lamont is on course to win a second four-year term.

Republican Bob Stefanowski, Jacobson notes, ran against Lamont four years ago “as a strong Trump supporter in a solidly blue state.” The Madison Republican’s abrupt late August shakeup of his campaign team, he writes, was “not exactly the sign of a campaign on a roll.”

With just over four weeks left the campaign, a consensus is emerging among observers, Republicans and Democrats that the race has slipped away from Stefanowski barring a late seismic event. A game changing development is unlikely to come from the cautious Lamont in his fourth self-financed statewide campaign. If Stefanowski had something compelling to say to voters he ought to have unveiled it months ago.

Published October 7, 2022.