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We’re All Philistines Now.

Dame Edna with her Picasso portrait from the Cote d’Azur

Don’t miss a remarkable letter to the editor in The Courant. It’s a haughty response to Jon Lender’s column on UConn’s expenditure of $480,000 on a curious piece of art. The letter from a Mr. Richard Feder of Fort Lee, New Jersey, writes “Dear Rosanne Roseannadanna Carlos Hernandez Chavez lets my award-winning colleague know he’s as ignorant as the rest of us when it comes to Connecticut’s dire finances and the state’s commitment to spending large sums of money on blocks of acrylic to enrich the minds of students.

According to Mr. Chavez, “For starters, art is solely the reason for the chronicling of human history since its inception.” Memo to Herodotus: You really should have been painting pictures instead of writing one of the great works of history.

It just goes to show you, if it’s not one thing it’s another.