Why They Worry. Klarides Gets Tepid Response to Request for Retweets.

Themis Klarides’s Senate campaign appears stalled at the worst time—less than a week before the August 9th primary. There are small signs of the failure of party loyalists to engage with the party-endorsed candidate.
One appeared Wednesday on Twitter. Klarides asked supporters to retweet an ”I’m Voting for Themis” graphic. After nearly nine hours, Klarides had 26 retweets. The comments were mostly critical, which is not unusual. A campaign with some troops can be prepared for that.
The eleven-term former state representative faces Greenwich Republican Leora Levy on Tuesday. Levy has been courting anti-gun control Republicans in her lurch to the right. The Cuban refugee and ”career American” is virulently anti-immigrant.
Fairfield Republican Peter Lumaj is the third candidate on the ballot.
Published August 3, 2022.