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Working Families Party asks candidates to pledge not to join moderate caucus.

The Working Families Party (WFP) candidate endorsement questionnaire provides a preview of the gathering storm in the House and Senate Democratic caucuses.

The long document poses this question:

While we have worked to build progressive power in our legislature, we are often challenged by the Moderate Caucus who have organized against us in our fights for increasing minimum wage, expanding healthcare to undocumented immigrants, expanding paid sick days, and establishing a fair work week. If [re]elected will you pledge to join the moderate caucus?

Yes, pledge not to join the moderate caucus


I am unsure–please explain

Here’s an explanation. Some suburban Democrats in competitive districts life to work both sides of the street. They like the votes the WFT endorsement provides but also find some advantage in telling constituents they are aligned with moderate Democrats–like Governor Ned Lamont.

WFP leaders have had enough of the shapeshifting. Diversity of thought is no virtue. The ideological battle among the Democrats, who enjoy overwhelming control of the House and the Senate, will become more open and pointed next year.

Published September 11, 2024.


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