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Working the swamp: State Republicans solicit money and swag bag donations for July journey to Milwaukee.

A Dear Lobbyist message from Rebecca Terricciano seeks donations and sponsorships from businesses to underwrite delegate expenses to the Republican National Convention next month. The party that rails against the swamp dives in when it needs money to pay for meals, accommodations, and entertainment for five days in Wisconsin. Terricciano, the Program Coordinator of the CT Milwaukee Delegation Program, wrote on May 30th, “We have crafted a variety of sponsorship packages designed to provide maximum visibility and engagement for your clients or business. These opportunities not only include branding and promotional benefits but also offer potential for guest passes to attend the Republican National Convention in Milwaukee. It’s a perfect blend of business and excitement, allowing you to connect with key influencers and decision-makers.”

“Key influencers and decision-makers” will be thin on the ground whenever the Connecticut delegates gather. The highest ranking official is a former Nikki Haley supporter, state Senator Steve Harding, the leader of the dozen members of his caucus.

For $7,500, a donor gets to sponsor the reception welcoming Connecticut delegates, alternates and guests to Wisconsin. A check for $15,000 purchases sponsorship of a pizza reception after Tuesday’s evening of rants and grievances. The hardest sell may be the $20,000 sponsorship of a Northeast Summer Party. It will include delegations from Connecticut, Rhode Island, Vermont, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Maryland and Washington, D.C. Those six states send no Republicans to Congress. Maryland’s Republican Senate nominee, former Governor Larry Hogan, was excoriated by Trump campaign senior advisor Chris LaCivita, for asking Americans to respect the rule of law in the aftermath of the conviction of Donald Trump on 34 charges of falsifying business records to conceal campaign contributions. Lara Trump, the convicted defendant’s daughter-in-law and co-chair of the Republican National Committee, called Hogan’s appeal to reason and the rule of law “ridiculous.” She told CNN,  Hogan “doesn’t deserve the respect of anyone in the Republican Party at this point, and quite frankly, anybody in America, if that’s the way you feel. That’s very upsetting to hear that.”

The convention begins Monday, July 15th, four days after Trump is sentenced. Trump defense lawyer Todd Blanche requested a mid-July sentencing date and agreed to July 11th.

Lobbyists know what they will be aiding with their sponsorships–and so will the people they do business with. See the details of what’s on offer here. Donors should note that gift certificates for courses at Trump University, Trump steaks and made-in-China Ivanka Trump fashions are no longer available.

Published June 4, 2024.


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