You’ve Been Warned. Stefanowski Appears Not to Know What DCF Is.
Another unsettling moment from Republican gubernatorial nominee Bob Stefanowski. On Sunday’s Face the State, host Dennis House asked Stefanowski during a segment that appeared aimed at eliciting some specifics from Stefanowski on his budget plans what he would do with DCF. That’s the Department of Children and Families. House mentions that it deals with the state’s most vulnerable residents. Stefanowski goes into the story–which he has done before–of what it cost his father to provide care for his mother when she suffered from dementia. It is a compelling circumstance that has been visited upon far too many. It has nothing to do with DCF and its mission to address the abuse and neglect of children. It appears Stefanowski either has no idea what DCF is or has given no thought to that agency in crisis. In either event, it is disturbing to think he’s made it this far in the long race without forming any thoughts on leading a department that has featured decades of troubles.
You can see the exchange about a minute and a half into this eight minute clip.