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Zombie Madness: Curry Sniffing Around 5th CD Contest.

Gasps making their way around the 5th Congressional District as Bill Curry makes calls to Democrats to test support for a bid for the suddenly open seat. Curry ran for the seat in 1982, a good year for many Democrats around the nation, when the seat was vacated by incumbent Toby Moffett. Wunderkind Moffett lost to U.S. Senator Lowell P. Weicker, Jr., that year. Four years later Moffett challenged incumbent Democratic Governor Bill O’Neill. That race featured a remarkable delegate primary in Waterbury.

Moffett briefly worked as a local news anchor at WVIT. He would eventually settle into a lobbying career in Washington representing some unsavory clients.

Curry was elected comptroller in 1990 and lost a 1994 bid for governor against John G. Rowland. Curry was elbowed out of the race for a 1998 rematch by Barbara Kennelly. He was nominated to challenge Rowland in 2002 and was defeated by the Republican governor who would resign two years later and head for prison in 2005. Curry worked in the Clinton White House and was a columnist for the Hartford Courant.